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The Artistic Journey of 'Disruption': Behind the Scenes with Shazia
The beauty of 'Disruption' lies in its ability to seamlessly blend different materials to create a dynamic and captivating installation. Shazia masterfully combines paper with metal, LED lights, and various objects to craft a piece that extends from the wall and reaches down to the floor.
The Creation of Vivid Recollection
Behind the Scenes with Shazia
The making of 'Vivid Recollection' was a truly remarkable feat of creativity and determination. Over the course of five months, Shazia meticulously hand-rolled over 8,000 pieces of paper to bring this breathtaking installation to life.

Connect with Shazia: Let's Create, Learn, and Chat
Whether you'd like to learn about paper art, commission a unique piece, or simply chat over a cup of coffee, I would love to hear from you.
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